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❔Are you currently single, or in a relationship, and are curious about your potential soulmate? 


▫️This psychic reading delves into the depths of your love life and journey. Throughout this session, I will link with you and the spiritual realm to unveil the forthcoming aspects of your soulmate connection. Tailored and personalized to both singles seeking their soulmate, or those in relationships pondering their soulmate compatibility, you'll also have the opportunity to ask two questions, which I will address with in-depth responses. At least one full page, guaranteed.


For those who are Single, I'll provide answers to:
▫️Insight into your two questions.
▫️What makes an ideal partner & relationship for me?
▫️What has gotten in the way in the past, or the lesson you can learn from past relationships that haven’t worked out.
▫️What is currently getting in my way?
▫️How can I overcome these barriers?
▫️Details on your soulmate partner, personality and characteristics, when and how to find this individual.


For those currently in a Relationship, I will provide answers to:
▫️Is my current partner my soulmate?
▫️Is there a past life connection between us?
▫️What is the purpose of our meeting?
▫️Will we last long-term or short-term?
▫️Insight into your two questions.


(For inquiries regarding a twin flame connection, kindly refer to my listing titled, "Twin Flame", as it's better tailored to address those inquiries if your resonate more with the term "twin flame".)


▫️Over the years, many individuals have approached me during times of varied challenges, often feeling stuck or overwhelmed. My role is to guide you through your fears, confusion, disappointments, or heartaches. Feel free to voice your anxieties and struggles, pose your questions, and leave the rest to me. I'll illuminate your concerns, tapping into the spirit realm and relaying any insights I receive. You may confide in me with any questions or concerns you have, I will never judge you. I will always keep our conversations private and confidential. I promise to provide you with truth in what comes forth. I genuinely feel connected to those who come in contact with me, I am here to support YOU!! Sending love & light!



*Before adding to your cart, you will be directed to two small open fields for you to place your required information.

In these two open fields please provide:

**Your email, name(s), birth date(s), which reading better fits you (single or relationship), your two questions, situation/concerns.**


-If you do not have enough space to write all of your desired information for your order in the required fields, please see the following option: After purchase you can send an email to with your confirmed order number in the title, and in the email please include additional/or all required information for your reading, including pictures. At a later time, Fiona will confirm that she has received your email.

If you chose this option, you do not have to write all information in the required open fields for a faster checkout. You can send an email after purchase with your required information.

-If you do not want to send an (optional) email after purchase with your information, please make sure you fill out the required open fields on this page before checkout. After purchase Fiona will email you at a later time confirming your order and asking to attach pictures for your reading, if you feel comfortable. At that time, when Fiona email's you for pictures, you will be able to add any additional information for your reading if desired.


How To Place an Order Easy Steps:

-Fill out the required open fields on this page with your required information prior to "adding to cart".


-Send an email to with your order number and required information in your email after purchase. You do not have to fill out the required open fields on this page if you chose this option.



Allow up to 5 business days (not including day of purchase, Saturday, or Sunday)after I receive your order and message with all required information for delivery of your reading. With this sale, a PDF document of your reading will be sent to your email that you have provided, as a digital file.


If you are in need of an Emergency Psychic Reading, I also provide a 12, 24, or 72 hour delivery, which is located in the “Emergency” or "Within Hours" listings located in the shop and can be delivered on a weekend. 


🔸Please avoid including multiple questions within a single question. If you have a clarification question after you received your reading, please see my shop for the best fit reading for your questions. I will not answer clarification questions without a new order, thank you for understanding. I always make sure to be clear and generous in every reading I provide.


🔸Feel free to place your order at any time of the day or night! Shop is located and works in EST, Eastern Standard Time Zone.



By using this site, you agree to the terms, conditions and policies outlined on this page, subject to change without notice. With purchase of this product you agree that you have read the entire product description details to all terms, conditions, policies and agreements.

Brief terms: By law I am required to inform you that all psychic services are for entertainment purposes only and should not be substituted for professional, legal, or healthcare advice. Must be at least 18 years old to order. No guarantees are offered. Please note that no psychic is 100% accurate. Harassment, testing, exuding negative behavior will not be tolerated. I prohibit and have the right to stop communication at any given time. I have the right to refuse and terminate service at any time. No refunds are given at ANY time. All artwork and pictures in this listing have been created and owned by spiritualsoulsolutions. Extended versions of all policies will appear as clickable links at the bottom of each page.

Soulmate - Psychic Reading - Singles or Relationships - Who, What, Where, When?


    Fiona is a globally known and commended, professional, intuitive, psychic medium, a life, relationship, and soul coach as well as a healer. Known for her high degree of accuracy and insights, her compassion and kind nature is reflected as she connects with you one on one and with the spirit realm. Her expertise with the supernatural, in addition to her work in psychology can bring forth powerful changes in your life.


    Fiona is a natural- born psychic; from a very young age she has been watching her visions unfold and helping those around her. She was given the gift of clairvoyance-clear seeing, clairaudience – clear hearing, claircognizance – clear knowing, clairempathy – emotional feeling, clairsentience- physical feeling and sensations, and clairtangency – touching an object and know its history. These gifts of awareness allow her to connect with our higher self, spirit guides, guardian angels and other higher spiritual beings in dimensions beyond our everyday physical realm. She delivers messages with pure love, compassion and is non-judgmental. Fiona believes that everyone has the power to create his or her own life path.


    Fiona has provided thousands of private readings, distant healings, as well as life and relationship coaching sessions. Serving as a catalyst between the physical and the spirit world. Fiona has a wide range in clientele; which includes homemakers, teachers, high profile figures, CEOs, healthcare professionals, psychologists, college students, individuals with disabilities, and people from all walks of life and religious backgrounds from all over the world.


    Fiona’s life mission is to use her gifts to inspire, educate and empower people, in order to help humanity evolve and expand consciousness. She is eager to help, heal and guide you through your path to bring peace and clarity to any hardships you are facing!

    About Fiona

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